More Scavenging

I've been out again, hunting down more items for the scavenger hunt. I'm doing fairly well but completely stumped on a few. I'm definitely closer to the Super Scavenger badge but I still don't think I'll get there. I haven't half had a few funny looks whilst I've been taking photos of myself in several dodgy situations. I'm off on a trip out tomorrow to try to finish up.

I've started to keep a new diary for the diarist badge as the last one didn't work out too well. I'm not good at keeping a regular diary so I've bought one with prompts in it to see if that helps. I've also got a plain office-type diary to keep a note of what badge work I've done each day. I always think I haven't done anything when I pretty much do something every day so I thought this might help me stay on top of my progress. I also know it will really annoy me to not have anything to write it in, so it will keep me motivated, especially when I go back to work.

I've also inadvertently started two other badges! One of the scavenger hunt items was to find a geocache, so I did some research and set off on my first one. Tried to find a second but I think it's been removed as we couldn't find it, but I'm sure we were in the right place. I looked at past comments and other people had reported struggling to find it too. I'm counting that as the beginning of the geocacher badge, and will be looking to complete some more over the next few weeks whilst we are on days out.

Another clause involved a photo of a live animal and a model. I had a Lego rabbit model so had to build that to put it next to my rabbit. So the builder badge also began. Hopefully I'll be on track for some good points in August as well.

I also earned my first ever bonus point by posting a photo of one of my scavenger items. Mighty proud of that achievement. I've begun work on a few of the August bonus activities and will need to push on with those as we are hoping to have a bit of a time away so will struggle to do those activities then. Not sure if I will finish any other badges this month, although craft one is very nearly done. Should get that finished by the weekend if I focus...


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