I've done loads of admin towards my badges today and I'm feeling very organised!! I've got a large notebook and labelled a double-page spread with each badge as I start working on it. Any photos I've taken linked to projects will be stuck in there, along with any writing or notes needed. I have also listed which badges I am going to work on to try to gain each of the patches. I'm two days into my gratitude journal for the diarist badge, and I'm also working on calligraphy for the craft part one badge so I'm writing a quote each day in calligraphy to practise my lettering. It's not great at the moment but hopefully I'll see it improve as time goes on. I've been working in a hand lettering practice book and watching some youtube videos to help me. I've been through my craft supplies and have a kit ready to start a scrapbook of a holiday we went on to France last summer so that will work for my scrapbookers badge. Really excited about getting s...
I am being completely useless at keeping up with this blog, although I think it's because I haven't done a huge amount of badge work over the last week or so therefore haven't had much to update. I'm still reading plenty towards my Reading badge. Need to include some non-fiction books as I'm an avid fiction reader and this is pretty much what I default to. I only really read non-fiction when I need to learn about something and tend to go for the internet, rather than a book. I'm on the lookout for a challenge to start when I finish reader and can move on to advanced reader... I've made a really good start on a scrapbook, which will earn me the scrapbooker badge. It's all organised and laid out. I just need to actually make the pages now - the bit that takes the longest!! I've been doing quite a bit out in the garden while the weather has been nice, which is helping with quite a few different badges. I'm concentrating on making it a nice environm...