
 I've been putting quite a bit of time into researching some clauses to try to get a few more things ticked off before I go back to work. I'm aiming for one a day but sometimes it ends up being a bit more. I was researching a range of ciphers for the codebreaking badge yesterday and had to give up because one completely stumped me and I just didn't understand it at all. I've had another go today using different websites and I still don't get it. I've also got my husband to have a look so I've had to call it a day on that one. I've done all the others and found it really interesting to learn about them though.

I'm really hoping to finish a few badges before the end of the month as I'd like to ramp up my points as much as possible. Bader aren't doing too well in the cup so anything helps! I did a big badge order this week and my 25 point badge has turned up. I'm on 20 points so far and have earned 5 this month for Super Scavenger so I've definitely earned it but I want more!! I've got a courgette but still not taken any photos and my charity shop outfits need a fair bit adding to it. That'll be tomorrow's job.

My new fabric cutter arrived today so I'll be able to do some dinosaur craft, which I am really looking forward to. This bank holiday weekend should be a really good opportunity to tick off a few more clauses. If the weather is ok, we are planning a trip out to somewhere interesting where there are a few geocaches to do. So far, I've only done ones in very familiar surroundings so I'd like to expand a bit. I only have the free version of the geocaching app at the moment as I didn't want to pay out for something for the scavenger hunt and find I had no interest in it. I've found that I absolutely love it, so am happy to pay and discover a wider variety of cache types. You can only access the simple basic ones with the free version of the app so I think it's time to branch out. I can't believe it didn't occur to me to look for any whilst we were in London... 


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