
 I've done loads of admin towards my badges today and I'm feeling very organised!! I've got a large notebook and labelled a double-page spread with each badge as I start working on it. Any photos I've taken linked to projects will be stuck in there, along with any writing or notes needed. I have also listed which badges I am going to work on to try to gain each of the patches.

I'm two days into my gratitude journal for the diarist badge, and I'm also working on calligraphy for the craft part one badge so I'm writing a quote each day in calligraphy to practise my lettering. It's not great at the moment but hopefully I'll see it improve as time goes on. I've been working in a hand lettering practice book and watching some youtube videos to help me.

I've been through my craft supplies and have a kit ready to start a scrapbook of a holiday we went on to France last summer so that will work for my scrapbookers badge. Really excited about getting started on this one.

I ordered a pattern for a pinafore style dress, which is one of my favourite styles. I've not got the strength in my back to start it yet but it'll be there for my designer badge as soon as I'm ready.

Hoping to start on my straw hat for the May bonus challenges over the weekend as it has arrived now... still need to take my shed selfie and write my playscript too. If the weather is ok, I'll get some more bee-friendly plants in the garden and sort out a water tray I saw after watching a video today. Should be a busy bank holiday. 



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