No Joy

Not managed to find my hexagon template or my brownie and swimming badges yet but have made a purchase of a few other badges and put some fabric through the wash that will  be the backs of my hexagons so feel like a small start has been made. If I'm honest, I've not done a great deal of looking. I did intend to this weekend but it didn't happen. I did sleep a lot though, and that's self- care!!

I started watching Schitt's Creek last night, which will be something to review for my TV critic badge. Need a real push on the historian and rebel historian badges as I'm in groups for both of those and I'm not doing much towards either of them. Need to fix that over the next week or so.

I've done a bit more on the detective badge which is another I'm in a group for and I'm hoping to do a bit of research this evening to take that even further. Might have a bit of a researchy evening for all three badges and make myself feel like I'm doing something.

Also need to get a move on with builder. I should just order some lego and be done with it!!


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