Getting closer...

I think I may have solved the mystery of the missing childhood badges!! I was messaging my sister this evening and she mentioned that she had a pile of old Brownie and swimming badges from when we were kids. I am pretty sure that this is the bag I have been looking for!! I highly doubt that there are two of them in existence. I remember speaking to her about them after Mum gave them to me as I thought she might like to show them to her boys (my nephews). I must have taken them up to hers to show her and left them there. She is going to dig them out for me.

I have also found my hexagon quilt template and made a start on cutting out some themed hexagonal fabric for the badges I have earned so far. I'm so excited about making this quilt, especially now the thought of some of those old Brownie and swimming badges seems like more of a possibility. I've got a few fun patches to go on there as well and am constantly on the lookout for any relevant ones. Feel like I used to see them everywhere when I had no reason to buy them...


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