I have thoroughly enjoyed completing my random acts of kindness for November points. I have been playing the world rice game, having seen it in the group and earned a good few bowls of rice. I like to support a local rescue who boarded my rabbits when we went away on holiday once (and I ended up adopting another one from them!) so sent a donation of food, toys and treats to them. I went out tonight to leave a book for someone to find and on the way home, saw a big pile of dog mess on the pavement. It was not of a consistency to have been picked up in a bag so I made a couple of trips out with a kettle full of water to wash it down into the gutter and leave a clear pavement. Four acts of kindness for the rebels!

I've also started my science fair badge this evening with a chromatography experiment using giant skittles. I haven't made my poster yet but will do tomorrow.

I had a big badgemin session this evening as I feel like the craft market has completely taken over this month and not left me much time for anything else. I have a couple of badges that could be finished this month if I can squeeze in the necessary work to finish them off. Unfortunately, it's also assessment week at school so I have a lot of marking of test papers to do. Not conducive to free evenings...


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