Back to School

 Well, you can tell school season has started again!! I was staying on top of this blog pretty well and getting a lot of badge work done. I've been so busy since term started that blogging has taken a back seat and badge work definitely hasn't stopped but it has slowed down a bit.

I'm still plugging away at the Go Wild badge. I'm struggling for a few clauses on the Nature Lover badge so need to have a really good think this weekend about how I am going to finish the badge. I'm doing ok with palaeontologist and have made a dinosaur reading cushion this evening. That's another clause ticked off and a Christmas present made, so all good there. Need to get that one finished by the end of the month as part of Go Wild so this weekend will be a good chance to get stuck in to trying to finish that one.

I've been watching a brilliant program on the National Geographic channel called The Secrets of Elephants. It's part of the Nature Lover badge but I'm going to include it in TV critic as well because I wouldn't normally watch nature documentaries because I can't cope with animals dying. I'm being very brave for the sake of the badge. Definitely a 'Charly Made Me Do It' situation!! 

The orchid has finally re-flowered. I am so excited. That's a big tick for the indoor gardener badge! I've been doing well with my endangered animal junk journal as well, which will finish off the animal lover badge for me. 

I need to push on with the scrapheap challenge badge. I've got a good idea of what I would like to do and have the necessary 'about to be thrown away' items to get on with it. Just need to do it. Might make a start this week if I can. I have only done one of the September challenges as well, so need to get a move on with those.

I'm joining the Bader meet up on Friday night and still have book club for the month and I'm looking forward to both of those. I do like a virtual meet up. Must not drink too much wine at the pub on Friday!! I've started reading the book club book and was really hoping to like it but so far, I'm finding it a bit dull. Hopefully it'll pick up a bit...


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