When September Ends...
I think it's been another good month, points-wise. I've not totalled them up yet as I haven't filled in my form, but I feel like I've done quite well. I got all the bonus points for September as I completed all of the challenges. The sausage dog cake proved particularly challenging!! A baker, I am not!! I completed Go Wild, which involved completing three wild badges. I already claimed one last month but finished the other two in September so will be claiming those. I also finished Craft 1, Gardener and Animal Lover from the merit badge section so have those to claim too. Scrapheap Challenge was a great one and has definitely been one of my favourites. I was working on the first birthday badge as I couldn't do Life Less Ordinary. I only joined rebels in April and by the time I had worked out how everything worked, the badges had already sold out. I was also a bit limited through April and May after surgery so would not have been able to do many new things for the f...